Meet the Floof

Fur is everywhere at our house! But so is fun and love. Meet our four-legged family members. They are a part of everything we do, gardening included. So, you will see them throughout our website. And if you happen to order anything from us and find some fur in the packaging, well now you will understand…

The felines: (l to r) Mowgli, Pepper and Mocha.

The canines: (l to r) Tatonka (aka “Tonka”) and Moose after digging in the creek.

Moose relaxing on the deck furniture with his food bowl!

Moose is our five year old, 150 pound Alaskan malamute. He is a very sweet gentle giant, but don’t let him run into you or step on your foot. As you can see in the photo below, he learned to garden at just 10 weeks of age.

Moose when he was a puppy.

Mowgli is a four year old seal point Himalayan cat. He and Moose are best friends. Moose is food aggressive towards other animals, but he will let Mowgli eat out of his food bowl even while he is eating dinner! None of our other animals have that privilege with Moose. Mowgli thinks he is a dog, we believe. Mowgli’s favorite spot in the garden is inside the pot of catnip we keep on the porch of the she shed.

Moose and Mowgli hanging out inside the she shed.

Mowgli in the catnip.

Tonka is a two year old Alaskan malamute. What she lacks in size to Moose, she makes up for in energy, speed and being mischievous. If something in the she shed is missing or chewed up, Tonka is involved. A two-foot deep hole in a flower or garden bed? Tonka! She and Moose are great friends. If you see one of them, the other is never far behind.

Tonka’s face —- Don’t let her sweet demeanor fool you.

Moose & Tonka in our daffodil field, Spring 2022.

Moose (left) and Tonka enjoying the breeze from the ceiling fan.

Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for more flower and pet pictures.


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