Demand More than beauty from your Landscape

At Flowers & Floof, We are a local small business -  flower farmers who sell cut flower bouquets, and native plants, at the Culpeper Farmer’s Market.  We specialize in native milkweeds, selling five varieties at the market, and we maintain a Monarch Waystation on our property.  If you have a question about the endangered Monarch butterfly, ask Suzanne, she’ll know the answer.

We enjoy designing and creating landscape habitats that people love, by attracting pollinators, birds, and wildlife. Sometimes our work involves providing plant recommendations or giving you suggestions on how to better enjoy your yard.  We have helped customers clean up existing flowerbeds, plant trees or bushes, kill invasive plants, or design new gardens.  In addition, we can help you in the identification and control of invasive, woody plants, that kill your trees and harm the ecosystem.

Invasive species such as Oriental bittersweet, Autumn Olive, Callery pear, Japanese honeysuckle, multi-flora rose, Burning bush, Chinese privet, Nandina, Tree of Heaven, and more, can be brought under control or removed entirely — they don’t have to destroy your property.  When you decide to remove an invasive plant, we can help you plan what to put in its place.

Your landscape can be more than beautiful, it can support the ecosystem, too.